For nearly 100 years, Scouts of all ages have come to Camp Sequassen for exciting summer adventures. Scouts will have fun individually and with their fellow Scouts at the waterfront, on the trails, at the ranges, and all across camp. Not only will they enjoy activities in the numerous program areas, but they can choose from more than 50 merit badges including traditional Scouting badges like swimming, archery, and rowing to STEM badges like automotive maintenance, engineering, and robotics to badges you may not expect at camp like moviemaking, digital technology, and game design.
Looking for a Summer Job? Work on Camp Staff!

Scouts who pay in full by May 10, 2020 will receive a FREE Camp Sequassen hat!
$20 value
You can also pre-order additional hats for $18.50 each
Pre-order your 2020 Camp Sequassen T-shirts and save!
Customized FREE with your unit number
New unit registrations require a $200 non-refundable unit deposit. The $200 fee should be applied as a credit to the unit’s individual Scout/Scouter registrations when they are entered.
March 15, 2020 is the deadline for entry of Scout rosters. At that time, a unit will be responsible for a minimum payment of $50 per registered Scout. To be eligible for the Early Bird bonus, full Scout fee must be paid online or received in the Council office by May 10. Fees not paid by May 10 are due no later than the Troop’s pre-camp meeting date, approximately three and a half weeks prior to the start of the appropriate camp session (check the Leader’s Guide for the pre-camp meeting schedule).
Online payments may be made by credit card or electronic check. If your unit prefers to submit payment(s) to the Council office, please plan to do so in advance of entering your roster online. Fees submitted to the Council office will be entered as a unit summer camp registration credit that you will be able to draw against as you enter your Scouts and Scouters online. Roster entries entered without payment will be held in your “cart” until payment by credit card or electronic check is authorized.
Please note that, while you may enter campsite preferences, site selection cannot be guaranteed. A unit must commit to attending with a minimum of 10 Scouts to reserve an individual site. Units that plan to bring fewer than 10 Scouts may still register and indicate site preference but will not be assigned a site until other units’ camper numbers can be determined.
Forms & Guides
- 2020 Camp Sequassen ScoutsBSA Resident Camp Brochure
- 2020 Leader’s Guide
- 2020 Appendix of Camp Forms
- 2019 Custom T-Shirt Flyer
- 2020 Merit Badge Selection Form (PDF)
- 2020 Merit Badge Prerequisites
- 2020 Discover Adventure Parental Consent & Tubing Waiver (PDF)
- 2020 Campership Application Form (PDF) (deadline – May 1, 2020)
- 2020 Resident Camp Health Form Participants at Summer Camp are required to submit Parts A, B, and C of the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record, valid through the end date of the appropriate camp session. This applies to both youth and adult attendees. Youth campers also need a completed Connecticut Yankee Council Addendum.Please note: SCUBA participation requires an additional health form available below.
- 2020 Code of Conduct – individual Scouts/Scouters
- 2020 Code of Conduct Acknowledgement – Unit
- 2020 Unit Registration Form (PDF)
- 2020 Provisional Camper Registration Form (PDF) – online registration preferred, available here
- 2020 CIT Application Form (PDF) – online registration preferred, available here
- 2020 SCUBA Merit Badge Brochure (PDF)
- 2020 SCUBA Participant’s Packet This the only acceptable packet for SCUBA merit badge participation
NOTE: SCUBA participants must supply the included RSTC Medical Statement, signed by their physician, in addition to the regular camp health form.
- 2020 Refund Request Form
- 2019 Camp Menu
- 2020 Dietary Restriction Notification Form – please submit at least two weeks prior to the camp session
- 2020 Recommended Packing List
- 2020 Unit Swim Classification Packet
- 2020 Staff Application Form – staff application is an online process
What can I do?
Choose from more than 50 Merit Badges!
Animation, Archery, Art, Astronomy, Athletics, Automotive Maintenance, BSA Lifeguard***, Camping*, Canoeing, Chemistry, Chess, Citizenship in the Nation**, Citizenship in the World**, Climbing, Communication**, Cycling*, Digital Technology, Engineering, Environmental Science*, Exploration, Fingerprinting, Fire Safety, First Aid*, Fishing. Forestry, Game Design, Geocaching, Geology, Kayaking, Learn-to-Swim***, Leatherwork, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study, Metalwork, Mining in Society, Motorboating, Moviemaking, Music, Nature, Nuclear Science, Oceanography, Orienteering, Personal Fitness*, Photography, Pioneering, Plumbing, Pulp and Paper, Reptile & Amphibian Study, Rifle Shooting, Robotics, Rowing, Scouting Heritage, SCUBA Diving, Sculpture, Search & Rescue, Shotgun Shooting, Signs Signals & Codes, Small Boat Sailing, Soil & Water Conservation, Space Exploration, Sports, Stand Up Paddle Board & Snorkeling***, Swimming*, Weather, Wilderness Patrol***, Wilderness Survival, Wood Carving, Woodwork
* Required merit badges for Eagle Scout | **Available for Eagle Week participants only | ***Not a merit badge | Some badges have prerequisite requirements that must be done outside of camp. The full list of prerequisite requirements will be published on this page. Some classes are limited as to number of Scouts and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. The list of merit badges is subject to change.
And choose from a specialty program for added adventure!
Wilderness Patrol

Offered every week of camp, our Wilderness Patrol gives new and first-year Scouts a chance to experience all the camp program areas with guidance from experienced staff. They’ll work on Scout skills that will help them advance and have a great time doing it. They will also be able to earn a couple merit badges to start them on their Scouting career.
Discover Adventure

We know older Scouts (14+) love adventure and Camp Sequassen is the place to Discover Adventure. In this program, Scouts will sample COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience), try the zip-line, participate in shooting sports, spend an afternoon tubing on the Farmington River and more. This program is offered every week of camp.
$50 additional per Scout
Aquatic Programs

Be more like a fish with our BSA Lifeguard and SCUBA aquatic programs! You’ll learn and practice the requirements to earn both BSA and American Red Cross Lifeguard certifications. Or, participate in our SCUBA program where you’ll work through the SCUBA merit badge requirements and NAUI certifications. You must be at least 15 years old for our Lifeguard program and 14 years old for our SCUBA program.
SCUBA: $275 additional per Scout
BSA Lifeguard: $150 additional per Scout
Eagle Week

Are you working toward earning the Eagle Scout rank? Join us for a week of programming to help you get ready- from Eagle-required badges to master classes on planning your project, the Board of Review, and more. Participate in our Eagle Week program during weeks 5,6, or 7.
$40 additional per Scout
When can I go?
Week 1: June 28 - July 4
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) training week
Week 2: July 5 - July 11
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
Week 3: July 12 - July 18
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
Week 4: July 19 - July 25
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
Week 5: July 26 - August 1
Wilderness Patrol
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
Week 6: August 2 - August 8
Wilderness Patrol
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
Week 7: August 9 - August 15
Wilderness Patrol
New Scout Programs
Discover Adventure
Specialty Aquatics Program
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Internship Week
What will it cost?
2020 Fees
Resident Camp Fee
per Scout
Second Week or Sibling Camp Fee
per Scout
Same Scout for second week OR a sibling during same week; Additional Week Savings: 3x for $350; 4x for $250
Don’t forget our specialty programs: Discover Adventure: $40 additional per Scout; SCUBA: $275 additional per Scout; BSA Lifeguard: $150 additional per Scout; Eagle Week: $40 additional per Scout