Baylor Study Summary

The study found, compared to men who were never in Scouting, Eagle Scouts:

Establish greater lifelong connections to family, friends, and neighbors:

  • 46% more likely to say they talk with their neighbors at least once a month
  • 38% more likely to indicate they are close with their brothers and sisters
  • 37% more likely to say they have extremely close friends

Exhibit a higher sense of responsibility to give back through volunteering and donating:

  • 73% more likely to have voted in the last election
  • 66% more likely to volunteer their time to a religious organization
  • 53% more likely to donate to a religious institution
  • 34% more likely to donate money to nonreligious institutions or charities

Develop a greater connection and concern for their community:

  • 87% more likely to belong to four or more civic or social groups or clubs
  • 76% more likely to have held a leadership position in their local community
  • 56% more likely to indicate they have worked with neighbors to solve a community problem

Exercise more self-discipline to plan ahead and set and achieve goals:

  • 124% more likely to keep a disaster supply kit in their home
  • 81% more likely to say they achieved a spiritual goal in the last year
  • 64% more likely to say they achieved a personal goal in the last year
  • 49% more likely to say they achieved a financial goal in the last year

Hold higher self-expectations:

  • 52% more likely to agree they always try to exceed people’s expectations
  • 47% more likely to agree they always try to do what is right
  • 40% more likely to agree they work hard to get ahead

Demonstrate greater appreciation and concern for the environment:

  • 92% more likely to be active in a group that works to protect the environment
  • 50% more likely to agree they find a spiritual presence in nature
  • 42% more likely to visit a local, state, or national park
  • 31% more likely to avoid using products that harm the environment

Display increased respect for religion and religious diversity:

  • 45% more likely to say they always treat people of other religions with respect
  • 29% more likely to agree that most religions make a positive contribution to society

Enjoy an increased variety of hobbies and interests:

  • 95% more likely to go camping
  • 72% more likely to attend plays, concerts, or live theater
  • 59% more likely to participate in boating activities
  • 39% more likely to read books
  • 38% more likely to play a musical instrument

Develop greater commitment to lifelong learning:

  • 80% more likely to have taken a course or class in the past year
  • 40% more likely to say it is extremely important to learn something new every day

Download Brochures

Eagle Scout Investment in Success 

Eagle Scout Inversión en el éxito (Hispanic audience)

Brochure summarizing study comparing men who were Eagle Scouts with those who were never in Scouting.


Eagle Scout Prepared for Success 

Eagle Scout Preparado para el éxito (Hispanic audience)

Brochure for parents summarizing study comparing men who were Eagle Scouts with those who were never in Scouting.

Single page (inside) summary