Download Roundtable Information

Roundtable Downloads Please find below the monthly Roundtable Packet and other information presented at the April Roundtable.   CLICK HERE — April Roundtable Packet This Packet contains, calendar, District Contact information, current flyers on upcoming activities and other information.   CLICK HERE — PowerPoint Presentation on BSA TAP and Affordable Outings The PowerPoint presentation features the Adventure…

Chess Merit Badge Workshop

  Learn Chess Merit Badge from Chess Masters, Sunday, April 28, 2019 Chess Merit Badge Workshop Sunday, April 28, 2019 9 AM Check-in — 9:15 to 11:15 AM Class At the Chess Club of Fairfield County, LLC 710 West Ave., Norwalk, CT 06850 The fee is $30 payable to the Chess Club of Fairfield County…

District Drop-In Hikes

District “Drop-in” Hikes Introduce your Pack’s families to some of the best hiking trails and nature preserves (and outdoor programs) in and around our District! All hikes start at 3pm EST No registration required No charge to attend.  Youth must be accompanied by a leader or parent. Saturday, September 22, 2018 – Bartlett Arboretum, Stamford (…

Powahay News

Download the latest edition of Powahay’s Newsletter. Powahay News is a volunteer publication and published monthly except during the summer. Celebrating our 13th Year we welcome stories and photos from our units. We do not publish the last names of youth without parent permission. Send your news to  

Join Powahay’s Email List

Join Powahay 600 Email Subscribers and keep up with what is happening in Powahay and Council. We will email you our monthly Powahay News and you will receive program and activities updates and other important communications. We do not share your email address and only email as necessary. To Join our List: If you are…

Next Roundtable May 1, 2019

  BSA Roundtables are a monthly gathering of Pack, Troop, Team, Crew, and District leaders. Roundtables are put on by your District Commissioner staff to give leaders hands-on experience and provide a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. There are separate sessions for Cub Scouts leaders and Scouts BSA/Venture…

Scouts BSA Spring Camporee

Registration is CLOSED for the May 17-19, Scouts BSA Spring STEM Camporee.  Please see below to download the Leaders Guide and Merit Badge Guide Book. Notes: Webelos WOW:  We are looking for older Scouts to serve as Patrol Leaders for the Webelos and/or to teach Webelos Pins. Please email names of Scouts that would be…

Webelos WOW

May 8 Updated posting.  Are you ready for a weekend of fun?  Get all of the latest information to plan for your Webelos WOW.  Registration is now closed. May 18-19, 2019 Hoyt Scout Reservation Hoyt Scout Reservation — Lower Hoyt 3 Marchant Rd. Entrance, Redding CT Starts 8:30 AM Saturday – Ends 10 AM Sunday CLICK…

Join Our Team!

Time is precious, yet almost every adult citizen of the United States gives some time to volunteer service. No other country in the world depends so heavily upon volunteer effort, and in no other country have citizens accepted so universally the idea that volunteer service is a requirement of good citizenship. Since most Americans accept…