Archery Instructor Course May 2020

USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification Course Saturday, May 30, 2020 * 8:00 am – 5:00 pm * Camp Sequassen, New Hartford, CT This course meets the minimum requirement to run an archery range for the BSA. The course covers setting up a safe range, instructional techniques, basic equipment maintenance, and how to instruct youth…

NRA Basics of Shotgun Shooting Course

NRA BASICS OF SHOTGUN SHOOTING MAY 2, 2020  Rescheduled Date:  June 6, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM CAMP SEQUASSEN COST:  $85 PER PERSON Adults interested in offering shooting sports activities to their Scouts or becoming Shotgun Merit Badge counselors will want to register for this course, which is a prerequisite for the NRA Shotgun Instructor…

CYC Rangemaster Training

CYC Rangemaster Training is for currently certified NRA RSOs, NRA Instructors and USA Archery Instructors who assist with unit, district, or Council events on the CYC’s camps’ shooting ranges. The training involves a summary of BSA and CYC Shooting Sports policies and an overview of the operating procedures for the camp ranges. As of Jan.…


Train – A – Thon Hosted by Quinnipiac District November 2nd , 2019 8:30 am to 1pm Connecticut Yankee Council Offices 60 Wellington Road, Milford, CT 06460 The Train-a-thon is open to all scouters and scouts Help us help your unit get ready for re-charter! We will offer the following: Cub Leader Basic Training –…