This special weekend family camping program will be held the weekend of May 10-12, 2024 – at our CAMP SEQUASSEN in New Hartford, CT and is open to all Cub Scouts and their families. It will be a grand weekend of fun for sure! And it’s super easy to do! Saturday- “Day Only program option” available also!
BB-Guns, Archery, Catapults, Theme Related games, LEGO Derby Racing, Campfire and much, much more! Something for everyone!
Pinewood Derby Program racing – All Day Saturday and of course
“THE QD – DISTRICT ANNUAL PINEWOOD DERBY RACE” – held at camp that weekend also!
Don’t forget your PIRATE Costumes and decorations!
Arrive Friday late afternoon- early evening, set up camp with your Pack, (or if coming separately with your family) and start to enjoy this theme- based weekend program.
If your Pack is not attending as a Pack, individual families can also register separately and attend separately. – Many did last year!
This is a super easy program even for the first time Cub Scout Family Campers! Just ask anyone who attended last year!
On-Line Registration is up and running and by registering NOW you are entitled to a SPECIAL Early Bird fee!-

Cost to attend & Registration
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: (Till April 6th) $25.00 per person including Saturday Lunch. (Children under 4 are FREE, but still need to register, and if you wish to purchase a lunch ticket the cost will be $ 5.00 each)
REGISTRATION (after 4/6/2024): $30.00 per person including Saturday Lunch. (Children under 4 are FREE, but still need to register, and if you wish to purchase a lunch ticket for them the cost will be $ 5.00 each)
Saturday Day Only (5/6/2023): $ 20.00 per person including lunch– again under 4 are free, but still need to register, and if you wish to purchase a lunch ticket the cost will be $ 5.00 each.
Registration: Open NOW!!! (Final Deadline to register is May 4, 2024)
This special link will take you directly to the registration system and you will be able to reserve your spot for this great event. Packs (two or more families) should aways register all together, if possible, so as to be able to keep everyone from the same unit together in the same site! However, if a single family is coming, they may also register using the same registration link above!
See the attached “Pirates of Q “ Program guide, for details and registration fees and other important information you need to know about the program. IMPORTANTY NOTE- This guide will be updated regularly as time gets closer and finalized details on activities are in place!

This program is an easy family camping program in a great camp environment! Like last year, we will have on-going communication regarding the weekend over the next several weeks. There will be emails, updates, ideas and more communicated out! There will be a “Pre-Camp Visitation” planned (Date TBA shortly) as we get closer so everyone can see exactly where, and how simple the program will be.
Get registered as soon as possible so you don’t miss out on space!
Any questions please feel free to email or call: Bob Scukas at Email – qddistrictcommissioner@gmail.com – Cell – 203-410-5107
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