Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022, Race starts at 3 PM with check-in and weighing starts at 2:00 PM

Location: First Presbyterian Church of Fairfield, 2475 Easton Tpke, Fairfield, CT

Registration Deadline: All packs must be registered by April 18th

Entry Fee: $40.00 per Pack – Each Pack may enter 1 car per rank.  If the top 2 racers in the Pack are from the same rank the Pack may enter 1 additional car.  Cars entered should be the top cars from your Pack competitions.  Substitutions may be made in case an entered Scout cannot attend.

Includes: Patches for all, medals for top three finishers in each rank, and trophies for the top three finishers overall.

The Races: ALL cars will run multiple heats, in alternating lanes.  Cars are assigned to heats randomly.  Winner determined by shortest overall time.

Advancement to Council Championship:  The top three finishers from each rank will move on to the Council Championship at CONNJam.  More information about CONNJam can be found at https://www.ctyankee.org/events/connjam-22/

Rules:  A copy of the rules is below.  The rules may be slightly different than those used by an individual Pack.  Cars that do not meet the specifications will be not be allowed entry / disqualified. We do not want to disappoint any Scouts so please read the attached rules carefully and MAKE SURE your cars meet the specifications.  Any questions on the rules and specifications prior to the race can be directed to Seth Strohecker (203) 816-1683 or seth.strohecker@gmail.com

Check-in:  All cars will be inspected at time of check-in.  In the event of a problem with a car, the racer will have an opportunity to bring it into compliance (if possible).  Once cars are checked in, there is no access to it until after the race.  In the event of a dispute, the decision of the race committee is final.  Cars and boxes should be marked with the scouts name, pack and rank.

Attendance and Spectator:  There may be gathering restrictions in place at the time of the event.  If this is the case any attendance limitations will be communicated prior to the event.

Concession Stand: Snack will be available to purchase at the event.  Proceeds will support the CT Yankee Council

Attire:  All Scouts should be in class A uniforms.  All attendees will be required to wear a face mask at all times and socially distance whenever possible.

2022 Pomperaug District Pinewood Derby Championship Rules

General Rules:

  • You must use the Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit. No other body, axles or Wheels will be accepted.
  • The car MUST have been created in the year that the race is taking place (Unless explicitly permitted by the Racemaster)
  • The car MUST have been created by the CUB SCOUT racing it
  • As each car is registered, it will be weighed in and checked for the following inspection points:

 Pinewood Derby Car Dimensions:

  • The overall length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches.
  • The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 3⁄4 inches.
  • The car must have 1 3⁄4” clearance between the wheels.
  • The car must have 3/8” clearance underneath the body so it does not rub on the track
  • The car must not be taller than 3” tall
  • The wheel-base (distance between the front and rear axles) may not be changed from the kit body distance – of 41⁄4 (4.250) to 4 5/8 (4.625) inches.

 Derby Car Weight

  • The car weight shall not exceed 5.00 ounces.
  • The official race scale that is used at car check-in shall be considered final.

 Wood, Wheels and Axles

  • The official pine wood block must be used. The block may be shaped in any way that is desired.
  • Official BSA wheels must be used. The wheels may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded. You may only remove the seams and imperfections from the wheels. (The new kits do NOT have seams to repair. Excessive sanding will be considered “lathing” and may be disqualified based on decision of the racemaster.)
  • The official nail axles must be used and may not be altered except for polishing and lubrication
  • Dry lubricant is the only type of lubricant that will be allowed

 Car Modifications Not Allowed

  • Wheel bearings, washers or bushings are prohibited
  • The car must not ride on any type of springs
  • No starting devices. The car must be freewheeling.
  • No liquids or loose material of any kind, such as lead shot, may be used.

 Other Pinewood Derby Race Rules

  • Once a car passes inspection and is entered into the race, only race committee members can touch it.
  • If the car loses a wheel, or is otherwise damaged, the racer shall have 5 minutes to make a repair
  • Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection committee before it will be allowed to compete.
  • Lubrication must be done before arrival (no graphite allowed in Race site)
  • The Inspection Committee has the responsibility to disqualify those cars that do not meet these specifications. All decisions of the Racemaster are final
  • Ungentlemanly or unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant or spectator will be grounds for expulsion from the competition or the race area.
First Presbyterian Church of Fairfield