To all who signed up for this weekend’s HIKE THE GIANT:

Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast which is calling for heavy rain and high winds, Saturday’s activity will be postponed to be held on Saturday, November 4 (with a rain date of Saturday, November 18).  Providing a safe and fun activity for all Scouts and friends being our goal, thank you for your understanding.

Please see the attached HIKE THE GIANT promotional flyer with the new date.  Any questions may be directed to the event chair, Patrick Freeman, at

Hike the Giant

Quinnipiac District Hike the GiantA great day hike for ALL Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and friends at Sleeping Giant State Park (200 Mount Carmel Ave, Hamden) from 9am-12pm!

BRING A BUDDY! Invite a friend to join in the FUN!

Registration – $5.00. Sign-up here

Scouts receive a patch. All youth must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult.

Can’t make it on Sept. 23, but your Pack or Troop can “hike the giant” on another day? Register and get the patch!

Questions? Contact Patrick Freeman at .