The trades keep America going– from building homes and repairing our cars to electrifying our communities to plumbing pipes and growing crops. Explore these action-packed jobs with our new Scouting the Trades Merit Badge Series. Scouts 14 and over are invited to come to the new STEM Trades Building for a daylong merit badge session and pizza lunch. Scouts can complete both badges offered if they complete the pre-requisites in advance.


Drafting is a highly refined form of drawing used to communicate ideas to engineers, architects, and craftspeople. In earning this badge, Scouts learn the importance of accuracy and simplicity in developing a drawing that shows precise details in a simple format.


Learn why electricity plays a significant role in the economy and how energy consumption impacts our daily lives with the Electricity Merit badge. Scouts will demonstrate how to respond to electrical emergencies, explain how a fuse blows or a circuit breaker trips, and complete an electrical home safety inspection. The Electricity Merit Badge is an excellent opportunity for Scouts to learn how to read an electric meter and determine their household’s energy cost from meter readings.