person welding at SEQ

The trades keep America going– from building homes and repairing our cars to electrifying our communities to plumbing pipes and growing crops. Explore these action-packed jobs with our new Scouting the Trades Merit Badge Series. Scouts 14 and over are invited to come to the new STEM Trades Building for a daylong merit badge session and pizza lunch. Scouts can complete both badges offered if they complete the pre-requisites in advance.


Welding is the process of joining with a weld – joining or combining similar pieces of metal by heating them with a flame torch or an electric current, then hammering or pressing them together while they are soft. Welding plays a major role in our modern world, and mastery of the skill can lead to exciting career opportunities. Someday, you may have an opportunity to experience exciting new career paths in welding.

American Labor

The labor movement in America seeks to ensure that the civil rights of laborers are protected in the workplace, especially in regard to wages, hours, and working conditions.