Powahay Pinewood Derby Championship
Saturday, June 5, 2021
At the Safar-O-Ree
Hoyt Sout Reservation
10 to 3 PM
Powahay will be conducting the District Pinewood Derby Championship during but separate from the Safar-O-Ree. Scouts can participate in both programs.
Scouts must be paid and registered with the Safar-O-Ree to race. There are no additional fees.
- Each pack will be allowed the top 3 winners from each rank — Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos.
- We will maintain separate race scores for Powahay and Scatacook to designate top winners from each race by districts and end with a Scatacook vs Powahay top overall winner race.
- Location Jackson Pavilion
- Separate Pinewood Derby schedule — Scouts would leave the Safar-O-Ree rotation to race their car.
- Scouts must be paid and registered in the Safar-O-Ree to race.
- Pack Leaders will provide us a list of their eligible racer by May
- Cars will be checked in starting at 9 AM.
- Please review Pinewood Derby Race Rules CLICK HERE
Cubmasters/Committee Chairs are asked to submit a roster of eligible racers (Scout full name, current rank) to info@powahay.com.
We are still working out the details and schedule. More information to come.
Questions: info@powahay.com