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Maintaining Sequassen
Sequassen Work Events +
Sequassen & The CSMC
Arrowhead Recognition

2025 Major Work Party

Saturday May 10th.

For More Information & latest Updates

Seq Work Events +

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It is not one person, nor one group

that can be credited for the continuous improvement at Camp Sequassen.

It is everyone working together with a common goal, to make:


Camp Sequassen the Best!

It Can Be!


for the Scouts, the Movement, our Nation, and our World.

Sequassen Work Events +

Friends of Camp Sequassen Thursday’s

Is a special gathering of volunteers, sponsored by the Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee whose primary mission is to lend Ranger Dave a helping hand, on the days preceding CSMC sponsored work parties. We promise that when you leave at the end of the day you will be taking home a good feeling of accomplishment. Sorry you must be 18 years of age or older. Contact the CSMC Chairman.

Mini Work Parties

Are by design smaller, primarily attended by CSMC members. Mini work parties are normally held on the second Saturday, in; September, November, January, February, March, April and June for October the weekend is sometimes chosen to avoid the Columbus Day weekend. Check the CSMC Calendar for exact dates. We meet at the Shop at 8:00 AM. Sorry you must be 18 years of age or older.

Major Work Parties

Sponsored by the Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee and Ranger Dave. Sorry you must be 18 years of age or older. See the Major Work Party Portal.

Special Work Events

Often facilitated by the Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee. The age limitation varies, please inquire. Contact the CSMC Chairman.

Outlying Trail Work

Usually smaller gatherings of Friends of Camp Sequassen, individual or unit service, or satellite groups from larger work events, generally sponsored by the Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee and Ranger Dave and facilitated by a CSMC member. The work often requires the service of BSA-Council certified chainsaw operators.

Hi, I am the CSMC Chairman and I would be happy to include you on our email contact list for Sequassen trail improvement and maintenance efforts. I imagine this would amount to less than 6 events a year that you can consider participating in. Simply email me at of your interest.

Tree Fellers & Bucker’s

Council Certified Chainsaw Operators, the only individuals authorized inder the direction of each camps ranger or custodian to operate chainsaws and like equipment on council camp properties. Individuals when called upon that volunteer their services tackling the never ending tree issues encountered at our camps. If you would like to be considered for the next training event contact Ranger Dave or Ranger Mark.

CSMC Scheduled Events

Mini Work Party



9th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



14th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



11th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



13th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



10th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



9th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



13th. – 2nd. Sat




18th. – 3rd. SAT.

Mini Work Party



8th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



14th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



19th. – 3nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



9th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



11th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



8th. – 2nd. Sat

Mini Work Party



8th. – 8th. Sat



Major Work Party

Sponsored By

The Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee

and Ranger Dave


As you might imagine it takes a lot of work to keep Camp Sequassen going, what you may not know is that very little of that work is contracted out, most of the work happens because of the volunteer. Volunteers like you and I lending a hand under the direction of Ranger Dave and the Maintenance Committee. To this end the Maintenance Committee in addition to their own efforts, sponsors a Major Work Party each Spring.

These work events play a vital part in making Camp Sequassen the best camp around!


Major Work Party

Saturday May 10th.

Event Updates

  • Check Flyer for more details, a schedule will be emailed ahead…
  • Be sure we know who will be staying for Saturday Dinner.
  • Hope to see you there!



Sign-Up for the Major Work Party


Names of those coming (remember, 18 years of age and older).

Each persons particular skill or interest.

An email address for each individual is best.

Cell phone numbers, it’s how we will communicate on the day.

Also, Do let us know who will be staying for dinner.

Join the Email List

Here’s what we need to know;

Names (remember, 18 years of age and older).

Each persons particular skill or interest.

An email address for each individual is best.

Cell phone numbers, it’s how we will communicate on the day.

Enjoy videos of past Major Work Parties

Enjoy the
Camp Sequassen
Major Work Party Song
Check-Out the
Camp Sequassen
Leary Hammer Award

Outlying Trail System Maintenance At Sequassen

Since 2015 there has been a renewed effort or program of continuous improvement of

Sequassen’s Outlying Trail System.


Interested please do inquire here.

Plan for Outlying Trail System Rehabilitation and Maintenance

Summary :  Camp Sequassen is favored with an extensive trail network, but much of it is in a state that discourages use. This plan was developed to provide a road map and guide to manage the trails in a way to utilize all of the Sequassen property with hiking options of various length and difficulty. Detailed plans will be developed for rehabilitation of current trails that are difficult to hike and add new trails to enhance the network.  Work has begun on improving the trail network with the central camp trails rehabilitated and remarked prior to the 2016 camper season. Trails further from the center will be addressed over the next years.

This plan also addresses access by emergency and maintenance equipment and reduction of unauthorized vehicle use of trails.  All maps in this document show the trails marked as planned, but do not include trails that are not yet constructed.

Sequassen Trail Plan July, 2016 view pdf online via Dropbox, just close the pop-up box, no need to join or sign-in.

Trail System Improvement and Maintenance Project Map

Conservation Projects

Trail Improvement and Maintenance

1. Raise Boundary trail section and rebuild.
2. Tree fall.
3. Cosmetic culvert repair.
4. Drain wet area.
5. Brain wet trail.
6. Eliminate trail bumps.
7. Add Crossing.
8. Clear viewing area.
9. Remove tree fall.
10. New connector trail.


Other Projects:

  • Replace Nature Trail signs.
  • Create new Judds Brook Trail.
  • Re-blaze as needed.


Join the Trails Maintenance Email List

Hi, I am the CSMC Chairman and I would be happy to include you on our email contact list for Sequassen trail improvement and maintenance efforts. I imagine this would amount to less than 6 events a year that you can consider participation in. Simply email me at of your interest.

On Trail Use

Sequassen Camp Map

Camp Map (pdf) for Download or Print 8.5 x 11 for Download or Print found here.

Blazed Trails at Sequassen

Sequassen Trails Map (pdf) for Download or Print found here.

Blazed Trail Symbol Key

Orienteering at Sequassen

Orienteering is the skill of finding one’s way through a series of checkpoints on an unfamiliar course using a map and a compass. Typically a course is set in a wilderness area and the participants are timed as they complete it.

Orienteering challenges both mind and body. The key to orienteering is the ability to make wise decisions, rather than the ability to run like a deer. Hence the name “The Thinking Sport.” Out in the woods, you must make decisions and calculations: reading the map, recognizing the terrain, choosing routes, setting the compass, and sometimes counting paces. This combined mental and physical effort makes orienteering consistently challenging and rewarding. (Copied from Western Connecticut Orienteering Club (WCOC)

Orienteering Map (pdf) Size A 8.5 x 11 for Download or Print found here.

Orienteering Map (pdf) Size B 11 x 17 for Download or Print found here.

Leary Hammer Award


The Leary Hammer Award, presented by the Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee, each year, is awarded to the hardest working Friend to Camp Sequassen self-evident in their efforts to serve youth in Scouting by maintaining;

“Camp Sequassen as the Best Camp Around”

The Leary Hammer Award was named in memory of Michael Leary by his friends and fellow Camp Sequassen Maintenance Committee members. Mike served on the committee with distinction as the Vice Chairman from 1995 until his death in 2000. Having joined the committee in the early 1990’s, Mike was instrumental throughout by his hard work and personal generosity insuring Camp Sequassen was the best it could be, ready to serve youth in Scouting.


2001   Mike Devlin

2002   Roger Poggio

2003   Doris Ieva

2004   Mark Clark

2005  Tony LaRussa

2006   Bob Conniff

2007   John Burke

2008   Dan Cooley

2009   Mike Kennedy

2010   Bob Cairns

2011   Carl Flodquist

2012   Joe Woyciesjes

2013   Tom Gordon

2014   Karl Helff

2020 Not Awarded due to COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions

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SeqMAINT-Pond from Waterfront Misty Has It All