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What is the purpose of Wood Badge?

The ultimate purpose of Wood Badge is to help adult leaders deliver the highest quality Scouting program to young people to help them to achieve their highest potential. It models the best techniques for developing teamwork among both young people and adults. In doing this, Wood Badge also supports Scouters who are active on adult committees, including District and Council committees. Nationally famous training professionals and volunteers updated the Wood Badge syllabus during 2000, and again in 2017, to provide the best methods to adult Scouters to model and teach leadership skills to others. The effectiveness of Wood Badge as a leadership development experience has been applauded by industry training professionals.

Do I need an invitation to attend Wood Badge?

No. All adult leaders who meet the qualifications (see below) are eligible to attend Wood Badge. We wish that we could personally meet and encourage every Scouter in our Council to take Wood Badge. Since this is unlikely, we are trying to reach out in as many ways as possible to introduce Wood Badge. You will find additional information on our Council website under the heading of Program > Training.

How much time will Wood Badge take?

Wood Badge is conducted over two full weekends. The first weekend begins at 7:30 AM on Friday morning; the second weekend begins at 7:30 AM on Saturday morning; both weekends finish around 4:30 PM on Sunday. Attendance at both weekends is required. Attendance for all five days is required. In addition, your working group (Patrol) will plan one or two meetings between the two weekend sessions, scheduled at your Patrol’s convenience and choice of location.

The Wood Badge curriculum has been developed in a series of building blocks with each session relating to another or building and expanding on a previous topic. Our days and nights are very full of presentations and activities, and it is extremely important that participants be available to participate for all five days. There really is no way to make this experience up separately. Consequently, we ask that cell phone calls or other business or personal matters be strictly limited to periodic break times in the course schedule. There will not be time for a participant to leave the camp during the five days. Please contact the Course Director if you have any questions on this issue.

When and where is Wood Badge held?

Connecticut Yankee Council holds one Wood Badge course each year.  Please review the main Wood Badge webpage for the current course dates and location.

How will Wood Badge help me?

Wood Badge will teach you about leadership techniques in a “living”, hands-on environment, and you will be able to apply all you learn to any Scouting role that you currently have or may have in the future. It will also be very useful in your personal and business life. Since these skills can be practiced in a variety of situations, Wood Badge is beneficial for all adults involved in Scouting, including Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Exploring, Commissioner Service, as well as on District and Council committees.

You will develop a “Ticket”, which is a written agreement outlining how you will apply your newly learned skills as you continue your involvement in Scouting. Development of your Ticket is an exercise in goal setting and includes creating a personal vision and mission statement and outlining your individual steps to personal success. You will work with a member of the Wood Badge course staff who will assist you in the development of your Ticket and will be available to you as you work through and complete your Ticket goals.

How do I earn my beads?

After participating in all five days of both weekends, you will have completed the “practical” phase of Wood Badge training. During these two weekends, and the time between them, you will create your own set of personal goals – your Wood Badge Ticket – as mentioned above.

You’ve probably seen other Scouters wearing their Wood Badge beads. When you successfully complete your Ticket (the application phase of Wood Badge), members of your Wood Badge staff will present you with your Wood Badge beads, tan neckerchief with the MacLaren tartan “patch”, a leather woggle (neckerchief slide) and a Wood Badge completion certificate. These are worldwide symbols that a Scouter has completed Wood Badge training. More information here.

Will I have fun?

Absolutely! At Wood Badge, fun and learning go hand-in hand!

What are the qualifications needed to attend Wood Badge?

Wood Badge for adult Scouters at ALL levels and programs: Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting and Exploring, as well as District and Council members. Here are the qualifications:

  • Be a registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America, at least 18 years of age
  • Complete youth protection training and basic training courses for your primary Scouting position
  • Complete the outdoor skills training program appropriate to your Scouting position
  • Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment
  • Have your physician authorize your BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (complete parts A, B and C).

Where in camp will I be?

For weekend 1, we will be at Camp Sequassen and the majority of our activities will be located in the central part of the Camp, including the Dining Hall and several of the campsites in the same area. We will have some activities that will occur farther away. For the second weekend, we will have activities in both the south and north part of the camp.
For weekend 2, we will be at Hoyt Scout Reservation and we will be at Lower Hoyt.

If you have any concerns about your ability to get around camp (bad knee, bad back, bad ankle – you get the point), please let us know. We will do everything within our power to make camp fully accessible to you. If you have any other health concerns (CPAP, special dietary concerns, etc), please let us know. Again, we will try our very best to accommodate you.

What will I eat?

You will enjoy delicious meals prepared for you by the Wood Badge staff on the first weekend and served in the Camp Dining Hall. The second weekend, your Patrol will prepare some meals in your campsite and return the favor by hosting Wood Badge staff members at mealtime.

If you have any dietary restrictions for religious, medical, or health reasons, please advise the Wood Badge Course Director or Staff Adviser before the first weekend and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

What do I wear?

You are expected to wear a full Scouting uniform based on your Scouting position. You should arrive in full uniform on our first Friday morning as you will have little time to change into it after you arrive. You will be provided a Wood Badge baseball style cap to wear as a part of your uniform for the course as well as a course neckerchief. There will be some opportunities to change into an Activity uniform during the course. Please be mindful to bring only Scouting appropriate activity clothing. A complete packing list will be provided to you after you register for the course.

What is the weather like?

For the first weekend at Camp Sequassen, based on historical averages, you can expect the weather to be mostly sunny, with a 30% chance of rain. High temperatures average 75-85 degrees, with overnight lows 55-65 degrees. The record high temperature is 93 and the record low is 45. For the second weekend at Hoyt Scout Reservation, you can expect the weather to be partly cloudy to mostly sunny, with a 30% chance of rain. High temperatures average 65-75 degrees, with overnight lows 45-55 degrees. The record high temperature is 90 and the record low is 30.

When it comes to weather, the Scout Motto is in full force: Be Prepared.

What other things will I need to bring?

You will need to bring a desire to learn, an ability to have fun and get along with others who share your belief in Scouting, and a commitment to taking what you learn back to apply to your Scouting role and into your everyday life.

You will need whatever gear and clothing that you might normally need to spend these weekends outdoors. Personal tents will not be needed on the first weekend, as we will be using camp sites with lean-tos. Cooking equipment will also not be needed for the first weekend, as the staff will provide all meals in the dining hall. Personal tents and camping and cooking equipment will be needed for the second weekend. A more detailed packing list will be provided after you have registered for the Wood Badge course. Additionally, during the first weekend, your patrol members will discuss the equipment needs for the second weekend, and can combine resources to ensure everyone has what they need.

Is financial assistance available if I need it?

YES. We want Wood Badge training to be available to all Scouters. Often, course fees are partially or fully funded by the unit that you serve, or the unit’s chartered organization. We strongly recommend contacting your Unit Committee for help with funding.

Thanks to contributions from fellow Wood Badgers, the Connecticut Yankee Council has scholarship funds available, based on need. To submit a CONFIDENTIAL scholarship application, please contact Joe Andreo, Staff Adviser, at

I am only in my first year as a Scout Leader and I was not a Scout as a youth. Is my lack of experience a concern?

Absolutely not! Wood Badge is about leadership training. It is not a course in Scout skills. Wood Badge will help you understand what Scouting is about and how you can make a real difference by providing you with many important and useful leadership tools. These tools will help you to be more effective as a leader and as a team member.

I don’t have strong outdoor or camping skills as they are not required for my Scouting position. Will this be a problem?

No. While outdoor skills are helpful, they are not essential for taking Wood Badge. Whenever outdoor skills are needed during the course, there will be other Scouters who can and will share their knowledge with you.

I know what my Wood Badge Ticket will be. Can I start now?

Respectfully, you do not know what your Ticket goals will be until you attend the course. You will be guided to write a meaningful, effective Ticket which is a major element of the Wood Badge course because it will be greatly affected by what you hear, learn and experience while you are attending the two weekends. Depending on what you plan to do as a result of what you learn, you may need to coordinate your plans with other Scouters, whether they are in your units or on committees that you serve. Until your Wood Badge Ticket is written (during the course) and agreed to with your Troop Guide, you can take no credit for work “towards your Ticket” prior to the practical phase being completed. Please note: there is plenty of inaccurate information on the internet (does that surprise anyone??) regarding the Wood Badge Ticket. Official Ticket guidelines do change from year to year, to be more responsive to the needs of Scouting. Also, some Councils have local “traditions” regarding Tickets that may be inappropriate.

So…..please wait until you attend the course to learn about the “correct” way of developing an effective Wood Badge Ticket.

Can I miss any of the scheduled Wood Badge training dates or times?

No. Because there is so much information being presented in such a short period of time, and, because each session and topic builds on previous material presented, sequentially; attendance at each session during each of the five days over the two weekends is mandatory. There are no exceptions.

I took Wood Badge prior to 2001. Can I take Wood Badge again?

Yes! Wood Badge contains new and updated material and activities that can enrich your role in Scouting. It may give you new perspectives and skills that you may use. If you are interested, please contact the Wood Badge Course Director.

I took Wood Badge after 2001 but never completed my ticket. Can I take Wood Badge again?

Yes! We welcome the opportunity for you to take Wood Badge again, establish new ticket goals, and complete your ticket. If you are interested, please contact the Wood Badge Course Director.

Should I prepare anything before the course?

In addition to the application and payment, please have a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record signed by your physician and submit it to Joe Andreo, Staff Advisor, at

You need to have a clear understanding of your role(s) in Scouting so that you can identify goals where your newly learned skills (and the ones you already have) can be best utilized.

You also need to complete a few Pre-Course Questions. This should help to make the materials that you learn more meaningful to you. Please complete the Personal Resource Questionnaire as well. Both items will be sent to you prior to the start of the course.